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Double Flute

族群:排灣族 Paiwan

尺寸:36.8*4.3*3 cm

材質:竹、籐 Bamboo, rattan

排灣族雙管口笛與鼻笛,是傳達內心情感的樂器,排灣族雙管笛形制一管有按孔,可吹奏音階曲調,另一管無按孔,吹奏時以持續低音進行,兩者因而形成複音狀態,也是臺灣原住民樂器中唯一可以發出「複音音樂」的樂器。本件作品是雙管口笛,於排灣族的Raval系統為普遍,常見木塞式斜孔吹口。排灣族所使用的雙管口、鼻笛,不管在樂器發展史上、樂器使用的功能性、獨特性上,都是世界上絕無僅有的。本件口笛的作者是伊誕‧巴瓦瓦隆(Etan Pavavalung),而 Burke博物館收藏的鼻笛是伊誕已故的摯愛父親白浪·巴瓦瓦隆(Pairang Pavavaljung)所製作,父子兩人的作品,在本展覽裡跨越時空相會。

Paiwan twin-pipe mouth flute and nose flute are musical instruments used to convey inner emotions. The twin-pipe flutes consist of two bamboo pipes: one with finger holes for playing melodic tunes, while the other lacks finger holes and produces a sustained bass note. When played together, they create a harmonious tone, making it the only musical instrument among Taiwan’s indigenous peoples capable of producing ‘polyphonic music.’

This twin-pipe mouth flute has a wood plug-style oblique mouthpiece, which is a typical feature of the Ravar group of the Paiwan people. While this flute was made by Etan Pavavaljung, Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture has in their collection a twin-pipe nose flute made by Etan’s late beloved father, Pairang Pavavaljung. This exhibition brings the works of father and son together across time and space.

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